Microsoft Support: How to chuck out Mac Outlook Error 19991?

Microsoft support: This MS outlook error takes places with users, who are working with Mac devices, but also take place in other operating system. Main causes are virus infection or dis-connectivity issues. When this error takes place, users will not be able to send or receive any type of files. So, it is very necessary to resolve Mac Outlook error code 19991 with suitable and effective solutions. In addition, there are also many reasons such as downloading, installing, closing, updating, launching, sending, receiving, coping and pasting files and folders. File corruption may be the main cause of this error code.  Incorrect account settings, malfunctioning of operating systems, Corrupted PST files, oversize error of Outlook data file, and low system memory are some technical causes of this error code to take place. To fix this error code, you can call online Microsoft Outlook support team quickly.


Microsoft support


Main Technical Reasons of Outlook Error code 19991-

  • Not able to send any messages.
  • This Outlook error will restrict users from working with their mails or files
  • It will allow users to send or receive any kind of messages.
  • System slow down issues
  • Issues, while system start-up
  • Blue screen issue and computer freezing problems
  • Crashing of the Outlook application

Important Troubleshooting Instructions to resolve Outlook error 19991


  • Firstly, make sure that you are properly connected with the Internet or web.
  • Secondly, you have to navigate to outbox of the email, and remove all of the mails from there.
  • You need to re-enter your username and password in your account.
  • Finally, users will have to close the window, and then, start Mac again.

Thus by following all these steps, you can resolve Mac outlook error 19991 instantly. Still, if you have any confusion with troubleshooting steps, you can call at Outlook support phone number to get instant support or help from certified Outlook technicians.

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